"Die PULS 4 Dokus beschäftigen sich mit den aktuellsten und
relevantesten Themen der Gesellschaft."

PULS 4 - 
SCHEI** GENDERN // 51 min

Gendering triggers strong reactions from many people.
There are anti-gender referendums and gender bans in political election campaigns on the one hand. Gender-neutral education and the fight for equality on the other. Gendering is supposed to help with the equality of men and women, but what does gendering really achieve? The conflict in the gender issue goes beyond male and female. It is difficult to say how many trans, non-binary or intersex people live in Austria. They are a minority, but they are becoming increasingly self-confident in public. This provokes many. Does gendering really make our society more tolerant, or is it all exaggerated?

Magdalena Jöchler

Holyscreen Media
production company
